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Do I need to count my calories?
Calories are introduced later in the program to build awareness of portions rather than counting for the rest of your life. First, mastering meals by making them filling (lean protein and fiber rich) ensures you'll feel full enough to stay in calorie ranges later without going hungry 😊.

What's an example of a good breakfast?
Here are some general examples of breakfast with lean protein and high fiber that will keep you feeling full:
- Eggs: Two eggs (only one yolk) with 1-2 extra filling source (eg. salmon etc. which is high in protein) or high fiber sides (eg. spinach, broccoli, kale, etc.).
- 40g (about the size of your fist) of a high-fiber cereal with milk plus a bit of topping (eg. blueberries, cinnamon, etc.).
- About 100g (about the size of your cupped palm) of low fat yogurt plus 1-2 toppings for taste and extra fiber or protein (e.g. berries + teaspoon of chia seeds, etc.).
If you haven't checked yet, the recipes section has some great variations of these and more to try out 😊. I'd love to know about any you like if you decide to try them!

Can I have a cheat day?
Your plan allows for some treats. As a good general rule to fall back on, keeping it to a one meal or side, once in a while rather than a day-long "cheat" is ideal 😊.